2012年6月16日 星期六


在馬慶祥的努力下,三壹又找到一位老同學李偉仁,他目前是德州阿靈頓大學電機學院(The University of Texas at Arlington's College of Engineering)教授,1985年取得電機博士學位後,一直留在美國教書。

Jerry (任浩正),
    I did check Lien-Fu-Zi’s blog(練福智部落格) and find it fascinating. We all have changed a lot after 40 years. I don't even recognize myself until seeing the name.
    I have been with the University of Texas at Arlington from the day one I landed in the US. Unless something happens, this is likely to be my first and only job.
    I have accepted the invitation to be a keynote speaker for National Science Council sponsored conference on 10/27/2012 before knowing that we will have class reunion on 10/20/2012. The schedule is a perfect match!
Wei-Jen (李偉仁)

